EViews 10 New Econometrics and Statistics: Computation


EViews 10 offers two new seasonal adjustment methods, both of which allow you to perform adjustment on non-quarterly or monthly data.

Season-trend Decomposition (STL)

STL decomposition is a seasonal adjustment method that decomposes a series into seasonal, trend and remainder components using a filtering algorithm based upon LOESS regressions.

STL has two main advantages over other seasonal adjustment methods; it works on any frequency of data, and can be calculated on time series data with irregular patterns and missing values.

STL Decomposition

MoveReg Weekly Adjustment

EViews 10 offers a front-end interface to the U.S. Bureau of Labor’s MoveReg weekly seasonal adjustment program

Like its sister quarterly data based X-13 package, MoveReg has the ability to control for both outlier and holiday effects when performing the adjustment.



Many common mathematical expressions lose accuracy and/or precision when calculated naively. EViews 10 provides functions that preserve the accuracy/precision of results for specific expressions. While these functions are intended to be used near particular critical values, they can be invoked safely anywhere in the expressions’ domains.

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