GAUSS is a fast, powerful, highly adaptive suite of analytical software and tools. Its flexible matrix language, intuitive interfaces and powerful applications enable swift transformation of data and ideas into action. From prototype to production, GAUSS has the tools you need get the job done.


For professionals in data-driven disciplines from finance to physics, GAUSS has long been the go-to source for specialised models, techniques and applications. However, GAUSS is also a comprehensive environment that gives you everything you need to develop, adapt, execute and generate publication quality graphics for virtually any problem or project.

GAUSS is ideal for rapid prototyping as well as complete implementation of a wide range of scientific and business models. All functions and programs can be altered by the user and easily integrated with C/C++, Java, FORTRAN and other environments.

Learn more about the specific strengths GAUSS offers these diverse industries:


  • Efficient data organisation, management, and publication quality presentation.
  • Functions are easily adaptable to fit individual model specifications, making it an ideal program for univariate, multivariate, panel series, cross-sectional and time-series analysis.
  • Includes a quick and reliable maximum likelihood routine.
  • Provides pre-programmed classical regression analysis tools with the framework necessary for implementing modern regression techniques including time-varying parameters, Markov-Switching models, Bayesian analysis and DSGE models.
  • Computation of large datasets and complex models can be done quickly. This, combined with tools for process automation, documentation, and presentation, allow for efficient econometric analysis.
  • Additional GAUSS Applications designed for Econometrics include:
    • Algorithmic Derivatives
    • Constrained Maximum Likelihood / Constrained Maximum Likelihood MT
    • Constrained Optimization / Constrained Optimization MT
    • Descriptive Statistics MT
    • Discrete Choice
    • Linear Regression MT
    • Maximum Likelihood / Maximum Likelihood MT
    • Optimization / Optimization MT
    • Time Series MT


The GAUSS finance procedures combined with keyword functions make the platform appropriate for easy updating of results, while simultaneously meeting the needs of specialized models. Documentation and visualization of model results is clear, thorough and easy to interpret and share.

GAUSS is capable of efficiently handling large datasets and provides tools for easy data management making it suitable for conducting analysis using high frequency, real-time data.

There is a large set of functions and applications specifically designed for finance, including:

  • Binomial Options Pricing: Pre-programmed routines for implementing binomial options pricing model to both European and American call and put options.
  • AmericanBSCall (American Black and Scholes call)
  • European BSPut
  • AnnualTradingDay
  • GetNextWeekDay

  • FANPAC MT: The FANPAC MT GAUSS Application provides built in commands for complete modeling and analysis of standard finance univariate and multivariate models. FANPAC MT includes easy to use keyword commands for analyzing the complete family of ARIMA, ARCH, GARCH, and IGARCH models.
  • Additional GAUSS Applications designed for Finance include:
    • Algorithmic Derivatives
    • Constrained Maximum Likelihood / Constrained Maximum Likelihood MT
    • Constrained Optimization / Constrained Optimization MT
    • Descriptive Statistics MT
    • Linear Programming MT
    • Linear Regression MT
    • Maximum Likelihood / Maximum Likelihood MT
    • Optimization / Optimization MT
    • Time Series MT


GAUSS offers a complete set of tools for data organization, analysis, and presentation. Survey data, cross-sectional data, and large panel data can easily be easily managed using a number of conditional data selection and sorting tools.

GAUSS is equipped to efficiently conduct statistical inference, correlation and regression analysis as well as categorical, multivariate, time-series and survival analysis.

Applications are also available to enhance standard data analysis:

  • Descriptive Statistics MT: Available application includes methods for analyzing and generating contingency tables.
  • Regression Analysis: Available suites of pre-programmed discrete choice and panel series regression tools make regression analysis easy.


GAUSS is able to quickly handle real world engineering analysis with the capability to analyze millions of data points, as well as solve, optimize and simulate multi-equation systems. Built-in functions and can import other programs such as C and FORTRAN.

  • GAUSS performs high efficiency modelling and simulation of complex systems of equations using structures, threading and parallel computing.
  • GAUSS provides a complete set of tools for standard and advanced applications of numerical analysis, applied linear algebra, initial and boundary value problems, Fourier analysis and optimisation.
  • Optimization MT implements wide selection of descent algorithms, step-length methods, and “on-the-fly” algorithm switching. User controlled options allow for model specificity and optimisation flexibility.
  • Additional GAUSS Applications designed for Engineering/Physics include:
    • Algorithmic Derivatives
    • Constrained Optimization / Constrained Optimization MT
    • CurveFit
    • Nonlinear Equations MT

    Social Science

    GAUSS’s matrix language, combined with its efficient computation methodology, makes large scale data analysis and modeling fast and easy to update.

    • Regression analysis is made easy with an available full suite of pre-programmed discrete choice regression tools.
    • Time Series MT includes techniques for panel series modeling including fixed effects models and random effects models.
    • Additional GAUSS Applications designed for Social Sciences include:
      • Algorithmic Derivatives
      • Constrained Maximum Likelihood / Constrained Maximum Likelihood MT
      • Descriptive Statistics MT
      • Discrete Choice
      • Loglinear Analysis MT
      • Maximum Likelihood / Maximum Likelihood MT

    GAUSS in Education

    GAUSS provides students and researchers with the high-end analytical tools needed to solve the complex problems they’ll face in both academic and professional careers.

    GAUSS: Advantages in education

    • Fast and Efficient: GAUSS has many advantages for computational econometrics. At its core, GAUSS is a fast and efficient matrix language. The GAUSS matrix language allows for a very natural translation from the mathematical equations in a journal article or textbook to a program that you can run on your laptop, or a large cluster computer. This results in efficiency and speed in developing algorithms, customizing and implementing new code or running large data sets.
    • Interactive:  The highly interactive user interface of GAUSS provides a fully-featured environment with top of the line graphics. This makes it easy to interact with data and models and provides immediate feedback along every step of algorithm development.
    • Advanced Tools:  GAUSS includes many innovative tools to aid in the creation and understanding of your GAUSS programs and the mathematics that they represent. Examples include: Interactive graphics editing — Step through your program line-by-line while viewing the changes to your data— Automatic or manual threading for precise resource utilization in cluster, cloud and production applications — And too many others to mention. GAUSS has the tools to facilitate your work and make you more productive.
    • Intuitive:  The matrix based programming language maps directly and intuitively to logic and theory. This, combined with powerful smart editor features, makes transforming classroom theories into computations straightforward and easy to learn.
    • Customizable:   GAUSS has the flexibility to customize models to solve a broader range of problems. This provides the opportunity for Students to extend theoretical knowledge to real-world problem solving, empowering Students to work in a wide variety of positions and offer more value to future employers.
    • GAUSS Applications:  are a complete suite of in-house pre-programmed and modifiable procedures to help users quickly tackle all of their computational needs in various fields of study and industry, including Statistics, Econometrics, Machine Learning / Statistical Learning, and more.

    Product Comparison

    Feature/Benefit No Support Premier Support
    (PS) / Technical
    Support Only
    Silver Premier
    Best Value! Platinum Premier Support
    & Maintenance (PPSM)

    Technical support
    Free/First 60 days after
    new purchase
    6 Support Issues 3 Support Issues with 72 hour
    Unlimited and Priority Turn
    Product Revisions and Bug Fixes:For
    products with the same version
    number (download only)
    X X X X
    Online Account:User account on Aptech's website for downloading
    product revisions and patches.
    Upon Request X X X
    Product Maintenance for
    GAUSS/GAUSS Engine:Includes FREE
    product upgrades (download Only)
    Product Maintenance for In-house
    GAUSS Applications: Includes FREE
    product upgrades for owned in-house
    GAUSS Applications* (download Only)
    Limited-time/Annual License:For offsite
    use (e.g., home, travelling, etc.) of
    applicable GAUSS or GAUSS Engine
    1 License 0 Licenses 2 Licenses
    Academic Users: Eligible for GAUSS in
    the Classroom
    Must be at the latest
    version of GAUSS to
    Must be at the latest
    version of GAUSS to
    Always eligible Always eligible
    10% Discount:New or updated
    purchases of in-house GAUSS
    X X
    Disaster Recovery Licenses:On
    applicable GAUSS or GAUSS Engine
    license (Floating Network Licenses
    X X
    Limited-time Discounts:New Aptech
    X X X

GAUSS Mathematical and Statistical System

An easy-to-use data analysis, mathematical and statistical environment based on the powerful, fast and efficient GAUSS Matrix Programming Language. 

GAUSS Bayesian Estimation Tools

The GAUSS Bayesian Estimation Tools package provides a suite of tools for estimation and analysis of a number of pre-packaged models.

> Find out more about the new Bayesian Estimation Tools module

GAUSS Applications

Pre-written, customisable GAUSS programs designed to increase user productivity and extend GAUSS functionality in the fields of statistics, finance, engineering, physics, risk analysis and more. 

> Find out more about Discrete Choice Analysis Tools v2.0

GAUSS Engine™

The GAUSS Engine lets you seamlessly integrate GAUSS applications with practically any production environment, or distribute GAUSS functionality within custom software – royalty free! 

GAUSS Data Tool

GAUSS Data Tool is a stand-alone program for working with GAUSS data sets.

GAUSSplot™ Professional Graphics

GAUSSplot features a fully functional GUI that allows you to make changes to your graph at the click of a button. Take your graphics in GAUSS to the next level with GAUSSplot! 

Third Party Applications

Related software programs developed by third-party vendors. Many of these products are pre-written, customisable programs written in the GAUSS Programming Language, as well as tools and utilities to get the job done, and get it done FAST!


Faster. More powerful. Easier to use.

Expanded suite of date and time tools

  • Easily convert dates between many formats.
  • Generate date vectors of varying frequency and length.
  • New functions to transform and operate on times and dates.
  • New support for high-frequency data.

New online license activation

Get started faster with seamless online license activation from a product key.

Quantile regression

  • Perform conditional quantile regressions using interior-point or quadratic programming algorithms.
  • Estimate local linear or quadratic regressions.
  • Compute bootstrapped standard errors and confidence intervals.

Faster fundamental computations

  • Multiply arrays with 50 or more elements 20% to 3,500% faster.
  • Invert matrices 20%-400% faster.
  • Faster log, ln, and exp functions.
  • Increased matrix multiplication speed for non-square matrices.

Expanded covariance computations

  • New cluster-robust and heteroscedastic-robust covariance computations.
  • Use as stand-alone functions or with OLS regressions.
  • Compute outer product of gradients (OPG) covariance after optimization.

New graphics tools

  • Plot high-frequency and irregular time series data.
  • plotTS now supports daily data.
  • Simple controls for tick label locations in 2-D graphs.
  • New controls for box plot grouping.

Enhanced user interface

  • New convenience features.
  • Improved HiDPI support.
  • Updated icons and flatter UI style.

Other new mathematical functions

  • impute fills missing data with mean or median values (more options to come).
  • norm matrix 1, 2 (Spectral), Infinity, Frobenius and Nuclear norms or the vector p-norm.
  • lagTrim returns a matrix containing specified lags and/or leads with incomplete rows removed.
  • recservar performs efficient simulation of a VAR model.
  • saved now provides a simple way to save datasets in CSV, or XLS/XLSX format.

GAUSS Upgrades:

Virtually every older GAUSS license is upgradeable at a discounted price over the purchase of a brand new license. All we need is a GAUSS Serial Number, License ID or proof of purchase.

Supported OS

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

GAUSS Engine v19: Now available for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit, Mac OS 64-bit and Linux 64-bit

GAUSS 32-bit Windows v19: Now available.

Premier Support and Platinum Premier Support

Premier Support and Platinum Premier Support are annually renewable membership programs that provide you with important benefits including technical support, product maintenance, and substantial cost-saving features for your GAUSS System or the GAUSS Engine.

Technical Support

  • Unlimited priority technical support
  • Timely and convenient answers to your technical questions on GAUSS or GAUSS Engine and applicable in-house GAUSS applications

Coming Soon. Please email us at [email protected] to order your license GAUSS


  • Available at no charge to students
  • Offers the complete GAUSS Mathematical & Statistical System (GAUSS) with the exception of the program debugger
  • Matrix size limitation of 10,000 elements

Annual Student Licence

  • Annual licence of the full version of GAUSS for one low fee
  • One year Premier Support

Permanent Student Licence:

  • Special discounted price
  • Permanent licence of the full version of the GAUSS software
  • First year of Premier Support coverage
  • The licence is eligible to be updated for an additional fee when new versions of the software are released

Installation is for student’s personal computer. Pre-written, customisable GAUSS Applications may be purchased separately for an additional fee.

To find out more information and order your copy of GAUSS, please contact our team.

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Timberlake Consultants